Das Fundbuero seeks to create a history of the German Democratic Republic through the stories of those who lived through it. The project involves a variety of activities including interviews, long-term work groups, workshops, event series and a website to create a dynamic archive of East German history and a platform for people who feel their experiences have been excluded from the official narrative.
From September 2010 to December 2014, the Leipziger Zentrale was a meeting space, reading room and exhibition and event space. Located at Georg-Schwarz-Str. 14 in Leipzig-Lindenau, it created a platform for individuals to reflect on their experiences with East Germany and how these have shaped them. During open hours, visitors could record an interview or bring in objects to be photographed for the archive. Monthly events offered more chance for interaction and exchange between participants.
Events were structured to create an atmosphere in which people were ready to talk and could more easily overcome the division between organizer and participant. In addition to formal discussion during events, there was also the opportunity for informal discussion afterward.

A twice-yearly newspaper documented activities of Das Fundbuero, primarily the event series in the Leipziger Zentrale. Articles were written by participants, and the newspaper was distributed throughout Leipzig. Printing costs were covered by donations from local businesses along Georg-Schwarz-Str. All issues are available for download here.